Phonics and Reading
At Redlands we teach systematic synthetic phonics using Read Write Inc.
We started using Read Write Inc. during Summer Term 2022, having moved on from Letters and Sounds.
You can read our Phonics Policy by clicking here.
On each of the class pages you will find the curriculum matching grid for Phonics development from Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) through to Year 2
Please find below a number of resources to help you get to know the Read Write Inc. programme and how you can support your child's phonics and reading development.
For more information on what Read Write Inc Phonics is, you can view this video:
Below are 2 booklets that will get you started with supporting learning to read, using Read Write Inc. at home:
Additional resources:
Here are a number of videos that will show you more information about reading and Read Write Inc. and support you in furthering phonic development in your child:
Ruth Miskin is the creator and provider of Read Write Inc. and they have created a collection of videos available on YouTube. We have listed a number of the videos below for you to start your phonic journey with Read Write Inc.
Why read to your child?
10 things to think about when reading to your child
Understanding Phonics
Introduction to daily phonics lessons
How to say the sounds
Reading diagraphs
Reading bouncy sounds
Reading stretchy sounds